
Welcome! I would like to begin by saying that I truly appreciate the time you have taken to visit my website.

This book was written with my whole heart, inspired by a true story. It is intended to help those on the spectrum, who have anxiety, or anyone who needs reminding that they are loved.

Millions of children on any given day have anxiety about something in their lives. In many cases, it interferes with their academic career as well as their social lives. My daughter who is now 22, was professionally diagnosed as highly functioning autistic when she was 18. She had an extremely hard time adapting to new, routines, things, and people. Every morning I would drop Sadie, (my daughter) off at school I could hear screams. This made her, as well as others’ school lives very difficult, honestly, I wasn’t able to think of anything to help her, it was such a helpless feeling.

One morning during our morning begging sessions, “Pleaaaaaase mom don’t make me go,” my excuses were running out. With divine intervention, I looked over and saw a little, yellow, crotched chicken. This chicken that I saw sitting on my shelf was just an old crotched egg cover. No one but God could have put the words that came out next. I gave Sade the chicken and asked her to rub it whenever she felt lonely, scared, or she was missing home. I explained that when she rubbed it our love would come out and she would be safe. This changed everything! She was able to attend school all day, the screaming ceased, and she finally began to enjoy school. It was such a Blessing! My prayer is that sharing our story that would start a conversation between children, parents, guardians, caregivers, and/or teachers, concerning issues surrounding spectrum disorders and other conditions. Sadie’s entire childhood would have been much different had we known and understood what we were dealing with. Sadie is a gift from God. Her heart is so pure and it is my honor to be her mother. Publishing this book closes a chapter for our family and begins another one. I appreciate you taking the time to browse my site and read my piece.



Sarah Scott Nutt